
What’s up with Ubiquity?

What’s up with Ubiquity?

What’s up with Ubiquity?

What’s up with Ubiquity?
If you’ve been following Ubiquity, you know we haven’t made a new release of the extension since last summer. What’s going on?
Last October, Mozilla Labs got together and had a meeting about all the things we want to get done in 2010. It became clear that there were too many things on our plate, and we had to make some hard decisions. Ubiquity was one of the things that was put onto the back burner in order to focus better on Weave, Jetpack, Bespin, and other core projects.(What’s up with Ubiquity?)
Everybody I’ve talked to at Mozilla loves Ubiquity and would love to see it developed further — but all have agreed that the other projects are higher priority. Ubiquity remains an exciting experiment and I personally look forward to the time when I can work on it again. But for now I’m focused full time on Test Pilot.(What’s up with Ubiquity?)
Moving from Serial to Ethernet

Moving from Serial to Ethernet

Moving from Serial to Ethernet

Moving from Serial to Ethernet
Moving from Serial to Ethernet
For some devices, the only access available to a network manager or programmer is via a serial port. The reason for this is partly historical and partly evolutionary. Historically, Ethernet interfacing has usually been a lengthy development process involving multiple vendor protocols (some of which have been proprietary) and the interpretation of many RFCs. Some vendors believed Ethernet was not necessary for their product which was destined for a centralized computer center - others believed that the development time and expense required to have an Ethernet interface on the product was not justified.(Moving from Serial to Ethernet)
From the evolutionary standpoint, the networking infrastructure of many sites has only recently been developed to the point that consistent and perceived stability has been obtained - as users and management have become comfortable with the performance of the network, they now focus on how they can maximize corporate productivity in non-IS capacities.(Moving from Serial to Ethernet)
Apa Itu Google URL Shortener Dan Kegunaannya

Apa Itu Google URL Shortener Dan Kegunaannya

Apa Itu Google URL Shortener Dan Kegunaannya

Rumahinformasi.com (07/01/2014).Jika di lihat, banyak Portal Portal berita yang terkoneksi dengan sosial network menyertai beritanya kesalah satu situs sosial seperti facebook,twitter,google plus atau semacamnya dan URL link tujuannya dipersingkat terlebih dahulu, sebetulnya apa fungsi dan kegunaan cara tersebut? dan banyak situs yang menyediakan tool untuk menyingkat suatu URL salah satunya milik Google yaitu Google Shortener di goo.gl,Kita berbicara yang punya google saja terlebih dahulu.(Apa Itu Google URL Shortener Dan Kegunaannya)
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